Kon Lau Mian @ KK town

Kon Lau Mian @ Beverly opposite the Charis Basel church

Kon Lau Mian @ Beverly nearby the post office

Hot Milo for Breakfast
As you might have know, Sabah is a hakka speaking town, not like Kuala Lumpur, everyone has to learn cantonese, and so as Penang everyone is speaking in hokkien...... what a diversity!
Let me introduce you our local favourite breakfast...... Kon Lau Mian, Kon - Dried, Lau (Blend), Mian (Noodles). Yup, the breakfast is the egg noodles blend is black soya sauce with some sesame oils and it is top with some BBQ pork, either red Char Sal or yellow Siew Yuk or brown Roasted Chicken (you can choose), you also get a tiny bowl of soup with two wonton (not every shop do that though!).
Most of us from Sabah have this Kon Lau Mian since young, and they use to blend it with some fried pork skin, and it is good!! :P But now a day everyone is so concern about health, they no longer doing that. (:x)
Next time when you are in KK, make sure you order this breakfast in the morning, and go along with a hot cup of milo or milk tea, sure to make your day a breeze!!
Another one boss!!
Hungry Panda bear @.@


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